Gagnez une "Palette de maquillage Maquillage Yves Rocher".

Gagnez une 'Palette Maquillage Palette Yves Rocher' ?


ello there, We are conducting a survey to understand travel friendly packaging in the Beauty Industry. The results of this study will be sent to cosmetic brands in an effort to share with them your honest opinion about how to improve your experience with applying your beauty products. We would very much appreciate if you could kindly take a minute to fill in our survey.

Oh! did we mention that by entering our survey you will have the chance to win a full ‘Yves Rocher Palette Maquillage Makeup Palette😍’?
Try your luck… 😉

Stay Safe

Lots of love 

Beauty Source Team

Deadline:  1st October 2021


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