Exclusive interview with Pro Makeup Artist Gia Marie Waits
It was our absolute pleasure to interview Gia Marie Waits who took time out of her super-busy schedule to chat with us. We met her during a crazy workshop and her talent and work amazed us.
Gia is Malta-based makeup artist whose work has been featured in variety of brand campaigns as well as international publications such as Vogue Italia and appeared on the cover of British Dreamingless Magazine. Gia has been working as a freelance artist since 2010 and gained experience with world-renowned brands such as Tom Ford, Nars, Chanel, Sisley and MAC Cosmetics.
We asked her what is her favourite trick to turn up the glam and quizzed her on her favourite beauty trends of this year, here are her answers! You can also check out her amazing work and follow her on Instagram and website.
How long have you been a makeup artist and how did you get your start in the industry?
“I feel like I didn’t pick this profession, it picked me. As with many creatives, somehow it just happened and next thing you know, I’m working on fashion weeks and doing amazing shoots. I’m happily married to my career for around 7 years now and we are still in love like the very first day!”
Where do you get your inspiration?
“Inspiration is everywhere, I can see it in nature, art, fashion or just strangers on the street: the beauty is in the eyes of the viewer. Usually I’d go into look with no idea how it’s going to turn out and creative flow just takes me somewhere – it’s a process.”
How would you describe your signature look and what is it about your style that sets you apart from other makeup artists?
“I’d describe my style as having no particular style. I just create beauty in all it’s forms, whether its natural “hardly there” look or full on drag makeup or maybe something completely abstract. I love a good challenge, trying new techniques and never stop evolving. My signature look on myself would be dark lip, long sultry lashes along with rather extreme glow.”
Who are some people that have inspired you throughout your career?
“Some idols of mine are definitely Alex Box with her unconventional approach to makeup in particular latest series of “emotional makeup” are definitely something eye-opening and of course the legend Pat McGrath – that woman can do no wrong when it comes to makeup.”
What are your favourite summer 2017-beauty trends?
“Absolutely obsessed with freckle trend this season, this really made me finally love my freckles! And of course funky lipstick colours are so much fun!”
Today’s woman is busier than ever. What is the easiest/quickest way to turn a day/work look into something that works for night out?
“My favourite trick to turn up the glam is to whip out dark or red lipstick and put a pair of false lashes on, even if there is no other eye makeup. It will literally take you 5 mins (ok, after a bit of practice with the falsies of course) however, the results are totally worth it!
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